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About WAKO Policies and Guidelines

WAKO Policies and Guidelines set forth the main principles on how we organize and make certain priorities in WAKO. As the world governing body responsible for creating, managing, coordinating and organizing activities in all the 5 Continents we have a huge responsibility both nationally and internationally. To be fully integrated in the IOC movement we need to ensure our development is fundamentally in-line with the Olympic Movement and its various charters, whose principles and focus are integrated as part of our organization.

These Guidelines are proposals and priorities made to encourage your national federation to use them and implement them and as best practices in sport governance and infrastructure. These are not official rules but good practices which also support good governance and create opportunities for all levels of athletes. When national federations implement them and WAKO IF supports and implements them within its own environment and work you will find a healthy organization working in the same direction enforcing the same principles.

Within these files you will find WAKO Policies and Guidelines on the following:

Integrity – Fair Play – Anti-doping – Women – Ethics – Entourage – Medical Awareness – Career Development – Education of athletes (Athlete Learning Gateway) – Good governance – Constant Development – Social Integration …… more to come.

In addition to this, it is important that everybody is aware of the Olympic Charter for which it is important that WAKO lives up to: not only as an international federation, but that we as a team function and operate within its principles.

The editions of the WAKO Policies and Guidelines will be subject to update, adjournment and development from time to time. Please be aware of the dates of the respective documents that will indicate the date of the relevant release. The updates will be downloadable on the WAKO Website at and all federations will be notified in writing of all changes and amendments.

We want you to get involved and take care of these Guidelines and if you have any good practice and/or any idea that can strengthen such Guidelines then let us now. Our Administration will always be at your service.

Use it, involve us and we will, together as a team develop them. Your national federation indeed has your expertise from your federation or within best practices in your Country. Share them with us. Any comments related to WAKO’s Guidelines can be addressed to WAKO HQ – and then we will forward your comments to our relevant Committee.

World Association of Kickboxing Organizations
